Fellow Patriot,
If your anyone like me, you want to do absolutely everything in your power to make sure your family is safe, no matter what.
We all know our country is heading in a pretty scary direction and these days our family's are faced with more dangers than ever before. |
My name is John Hartman,
I am a retired member of the United States armed forces and a certified disaster and survival expert.
I will do anything and everything to protect my family and I sure hope you have similar values.
4 years ago I decided it was absolutely necessary to provide my family with a safe hide out - in case the "you know what" hits the fan. I came to the conclusion that...
"The Ultimate Solution Is A Survival Bunker"
After deciding to provide my family with a survival bunker I sat down and drew up a plan with all of our special requirements.
I wanted my bunker to be hidden and secretive. |
My bunker needed to me impossible to break into. |
I needed it big enough to fit 5 people comfortably. |
I needed to fit enough food and water supplies for 6 months straight. |
It needed to be ventilated. |
It needed to have a source of renewable energy for unlimited power! |
It needed to be durable and solid enough to withstand natural disasters or terrorist attacks. |

My journey begins...
It was at this point that I decided to build my own bunker so I could keep costs as low as possible!
I researched for months and asked several builders to help me plan out a bunker so I could do the work myself to save some money. It wasn't until 6 months after starting my research I was contacted by a nice fellow that goes by the name of Brian Walters.
Brian is just like me, he's an honest red-blooded American with a loving family. He has gone the extra mile and created a professional bunker for his family. He's stocked his bunker with all the goodies - survival food, flares, water and everything else him and his family will need in th event of a disaster.
After speaking with Brian over the course of a few weeks I finally convinced him to help me with my own family bunker. He drew up some rough plans, wrote down the parts I needed and planned out my site.
Brian's plan gave me the opportunity to provide my family with a survival bunker with a very small outlay on parts and I save even more money since I can now do the work myself!
In March of 2011 we started to work on my underground bunker.
My family also helped with the project, we actually had many great bonding moments during the build process and I got even closer with my family.
Just one month after the day we started the project we had completed all the hard work. Now it was just time to install some shelves for our survival stockpile and fit out the bunker with some decorative touches (my wife loved this part!)
Now, just 2 months after we first started the project we had a complete survival bunker that is as professional as any bunker out there.
Our family bunker fits all of our requirements. In fact, I think its better than anything we could have purchased from a builder.
I'm so proud of myself and my family for completing this project and I'm extremely impressed with the final result.
Being a disaster and survival expert I knew there were other families out there that would greatly benefit from their own bunker.
So Brian and myself decided to combine our knowledge and create a simple to follow, step-by-step guide to building a bunker for YOUR family.

We're risking our reputation...
Brian and myself are professionals in survival and disaster preparation - It's what we're know for! Since our reputation is on the line, we leave no stone unturned! Here's what you're going to learn with our Family Bunker Construction Manual:
Use our secret sources to get your materials at the lowest possible price. This can make or break your chances at building a low cost bunker. |
Crucial site preparation tip! Warning: You must know this before preparing ANY site. Not knowing this quick tip could result in heart ache and lost $$$. |
How to obtain your permit. Get full step-by-step instructions to obtain a building permit including a check list of what you need to do. Just check them off as you do each step. |
Design and layout planning tips and advise from a qualified expert. Our design tips will help you choose the right layout for your families needs. |
On top of my layout tips your also going to get all of my professional 3D diagrams to help you along the way! |
Learn how to correctly prepare your site. We go into quite a lot of detail with plenty of diagrams and pictures on this topic because this is where I see a lot of newbie container builders go wrong. So pay attention and don't miss this step! |
Get our electrical layout and installation plans. I've topped this off with full diagrams to make this as simple as possible. |
This is just a small fraction of the information we're including in our guide. There is SO MUCH MORE included and I'm sure you're going to love the detail. |
As you can see, this is extremely extensive. You will not find this level of detailed information anywhere else. Not in the library, not in other online guides, not You Tube, nowhere!
But I'm not a builder, can I
still build a survival bunker?
You bet ya! Our plans are made with patriots like you in mind. We've made our plans very easy to follow and included all the steps so you can just follow along. You can either build and underground bunker or and aboveground bunker. Which ever option you choose, you're family will be safe and secure - no matter what! |
"Here's why people are saying our
plans are the best out there"
Afford-ability. Building an underground bunker using our plans is extremely cost effective. If you've already looked into the cost of getting a professional to do the job you obviously know what I mean. |
Design. You can easily modify the plans to create a modern sleek look. |
Strength. Our plans allow you to build a bunker that will withstand any natural disaster or terrorist attack! |
Time. Because our plans are made for the "Average Joe" with zero building experience you will have your underground bunker complete in record time. |
Unique. Because you can customize many parts of the bunker you will have something totally unique. |
Secretive. When disaster strikes, looters come out to play! You DO NOT want others to know about your bunker! Our design will show you how to camouflage your bunker so only your family know of it's existence. |
"The Most Comprehensive
Up To Date Construction
Guide Available."

Customers from all over the world are thrilled with the quality and level of detail in our construction guide. Take a look at what they're saying below:
"... These plans a perfect, exactly
what I've been looking for!"
"After spending countless hours searching for bunker plans I came up with nothing. Then my buddy Bill sent me a link to your site and I've been thanking him ever since. These plans a perfect, exactly what I've been looking for!"
- Jason S.
e-mail |
"thanks for making this so simple"
"Hi John, thanks for making this so simple. The diagrams and step-by-step plans are very easy to follow."
- Ken O.
e-mail |
"The 3D diagrams are very cool."
"Simply amazing! The 3D diagrams are very cool. I learned a lot from your plans!"
- Alex T.
e-mail |
"Highly recommend this guide"
"Lucky I got this guide. I was going about the construction process entirely the wrong way and this has saved me much more than I paid, not to mention the time I've saved. I highly recommend this guide."
- Karren W.
e-mail |
"When disaster strikes, my bunker
WILL save my families lives."
"Just like yourself, my family is priceless to me and I will do anything in the world to protect them. This guide is perfect for me and my family. When disaster strikes, my bunker WILL save my families lives. If you aren't planning for the future and don't have a safe hideout, your putting your family in great danger.."
- Thomas H.
e-mail |
These days, with increased natural disasters and more threats from terrorists, a safe hideout is absolutely vital if you want 100% piece of mind for your family. Just imagine, always having that save location that you and your family can retreat to if you're ever in danger. Nothing else comes close the the security these plans will offer your family.
Not to mention, our plans offer you the cheapest solution available!

Get our 3 bonus guides when
you order right now.
Bonus Guide #1
Survival Stockpile
Complete your bunker with all of the essentials. Our survival stockpile is a complete list of tools, foods and other resources your family will need to get through the crisis alive. Get our complete survival stockpile guide as a free bonus when you order today. |
Bonus Guide #2
Family Protection Plan
When the crisis comes, you're going too need a plan. I've seen a lot of plans in my time and unfortunately I've seen a lot of them fall apart. With my years of experience as a certified disaster expert, you can be sure that my family Protection Plan WILL become a very valuable resource. |
Bonus Guide #3
Off-Grid Power Backup
Having unlimited power during a crisis is something preppers could only dream about. But now, with my step-by-step plans you will have access to unlimited power by setting up a mini off-grid power system. Having access to reliable power can mean the difference between life and death. Now you get my Off-Grid Power Backup plans when you order my Family Bunker Plans today. |
Are You Ready To Get Started?
Don't pay the original $297 or even $197!
But for a short time only you can get your hands on "Family Bunker Plans" (with the 3 bonus guides above) for the one time investment of just $47. You deserve to be safe and your family deserves to be safe. Do what you can right now by providing absolute security for your family.
"But be quick, we are only giving the next 250, 100, 50, 6 customers this offer! You're gonna' hate yourself if you miss out on this special price.
We will soon raise the price back up to the original $297."
Get in fast and secure your copy for just $297 $47!

If you need more information or for customer support you can email us here:
John Hartman
P.S. Remember, this is an instant download so there is no waiting for shipping. You can get started with planning in just minutes from now.
P.P.S. We're also offering the guide with a complete 60 day money back guarantee. If you're not happy with my guide for any reason, just send us an email and we will personally refund every cent straight back to your account. You have absolutely nothing to lose!
Order Family Bunker Plans here

"When disaster strikes, my bunker
WILL save my families lives."
These plans are well worth the small investment. I urge everybody to take action now and get your hands on them right now. How are you going to feel if in 6 months there is a natural disaster or terrorist attack? You and your family are in direct danger and right now you have the chance to get a solid survival plan in place.
Get your copy of Johns bunker plans just like I did, and give your family the security and safety they deserve!
- Frank H.
e-mail |
Claim your copy here